Saturday, April 18, 2020

How to Improve Digestive system Naturally

Drink plenty of water - Water is valuable for us. Most people drink very little water. We should drink about 2 liters of water a day. If your digestive system is not well, then you can also drink more water.

It fulfills the amount of water in our body which makes the food easy to digest. So drink water and drink plenty.
Here, we are giving you information about some fruits and foods, which will keep your digestive system going away and your health will improve.

Consumption of cardamom- Consumption of cardamom is very beneficial for a pregnant woman. It removes the digestive problems of a pregnant woman. You can make cardamom with tea.

Eat ginger - Ginger keeps digestive juices and enzymes digesting food in our body. Its juice prevents the digestive power from deteriorating. You should consume ginger to correct and strengthen poor digestion.

Lemon - Lemon is very beneficial for our health. By consuming it, it removes many stomach problems. Lemon removes our indigestion and stomach gas. It is also beneficial for our digestive power.

Eat salad- If there is a salad in the food, then the enjoyment of eating doubles. Salad is good for our health along with good food. If the food has to be digested properly, then take the salad along with the food. In which you can take lemon, tomato and onion.

Eat Guava - Guava is a very useful fruit that is nutritious. Guava contains vitamin C, phosphorus and potassium which is good for health. By taking guava, brain, heart and digestive power are strengthened.

Use fennel - You can take fennel to remove acidity, to reduce chest irritation and to digest food properly. Taking one spoon of fennel daily keeps the digestion process right.

Take Aloe vera - Use Aloe Vera to strengthen digestion. Aloe vera eliminates our digestive diseases, which include swelling and stomach ulcers. You can use aloe vera gel with water.

Use turmeric - Turmeric removes indigestion, ulcers, bile removal and other digestive problems related to our body. To remove digestion related problems, take turmeric with a glass of water.

Take Amla - Amla removes vitamin C deficiency in our body. By keeping the intake of amla continuously, it prevents our digestive system from getting spoiled. You can also take amla by mixing black pepper, asafetida and cumin in it.

Papaya intake- Raw papaya is very good for health. If there is no accumulation of vitamins in the body due to intestinal weakness, then we can get vitamin C by taking papaya. It contains papine which divides the protein and makes the food digestible and makes the digestive system strong.

Eat Banana - Banana is available in every season and every season. It is much better for our stomach. Along with being cheaper, it also increases our digestive power. So eat bananas and maintain your health.

Apart from this, you should include moong, sprouted gram, wheat and barley roti in your food and keep taking these fruits like mango, pomegranate, fig, guava and orange. These fruits will keep your stomach clean, which will make your digestive system strong.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Natural Treatment for Ear Infection

 Natural Treatment for Ear Infection

1. Olive Oil

Olive oil can provide fast relief from an earache. It serves as a lubricant and helps get rid of an infection in the ear. Olive oil can also be helpful in stopping buzzing sensations inside the ears.

    Put 3-4 drops of lukewarm olive oil as ear drops into the ear canal.
    Alternatively, you can dip a cotton bud in the oil and put it firmly into the ear.

You can also use mustard oil in the same way.
2. Garlic

The analgesic and antibiotic properties of garlic can help reduce earache caused by an ear infection.

earache home remedy

    Heat one teaspoon of minced garlic in two tablespoons of sesame oil. Cool and filter the oil. Put 2-3 drops of this garlic oil in the aching ear.
    Another option is to extract the juice out of a few cloves of garlic and put it into the ear that hurts.

3. Onion

Onion is one of the most readily available home remedies for an earache. The antiseptic and antibacterial properties in onions work well in treating the problem.

    Extract one tablespoon of onion juice from grated onions and heat it over low heat. Then put 2-3 drops of the juice into affected ear 2-3 times a day.
    Crush a fresh onion and wrap it tightly in a piece of clean cloth. Hold the cloth over the infected ear for about 5 to 10 minutes. Repeat the process several times a day.

4. Hot Water Bottle

Putting moist heat around an infected ear can work as a great pain reliever. Simply wrap a hot water bottle in a towel and press it against the aching ear for a few minutes.
5. Ginger

Ginger has strong anti-inflammatory properties that can be helpful in treating ear infections. It is also an excellent natural painkiller.

    Extract juice from fresh ginger and put it directly into the ears to get relief from pain and reduce inflammation.
    You can also mix one teaspoon of fresh grated ginger root with two tablespoons of olive oil. Leave it to infuse for 5 to 10 minutes and then put a few drops of the oil in the aching ear.

6. Peppermint

Both peppermint leaves and peppermint oil can be used to soothe earaches.

    Put the juice from fresh peppermint leaves in a dropper and then put some drops inside the aching ear.
    Using a cotton swab, apply a few drops of peppermint oil externally around the opening of your ear. Avoid getting any of this oil inside your ear. You can also dilute the peppermint oil using olive oil and then apply.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

how to cure Erectile dysfunction Naturally

 Home Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction and Impotence That Give Quick Results…

Alright, it’s time to get serious. If you’re suffering from impotence right now then you probably aren’t in a joking mood anyway. But we do guarantee that if you follow and stick with our recommendations to the letter then things are definitely going to start looking up (in more ways than one)… and then you’ll be laughing at our pathetic jokes!

Now, searching the internet for natural remedies for erectile dysfunction, I’m astounded that none of the top rating articles we’ve read (and believe me, we’ve read lots of them) talk about and recommend the most powerful and best natural cure for erectile dysfunction yet discovered! Luckily for you though we’re about to reveal it so you don’t have to worry. And best of all, it’s easily available and cheap to buy. So let’s not waste any more time then. Whether you’re a guy here reading this for yourself or a female reading this on behalf of your man (which is probably most of you), it doesn’t matter. Just decide to make a commitment to use all of these home remedies every day (or as many as are financially viable for you) and then lie back and watch the magic happen!

Natural Remedies for Impotence #4 – L-arginine…

The amino acid L-arginine is another very potent home remedy for impotence. In a study published in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy back in 2003, Bulgarian researchers found that when they gave L-arginine to erectile dysfunction sufferers along with pycnogenol (pine bark, grape seed extract), all participants reported a major improvement in sexual desire and sexual function… with zero side effects!

What most people (including doctors) don’t know is that arginine works the same as the active ingredient in Viagra (sildenafil citrate), but without the terrible side effects. It safely increases the production of nitric oxide, a substance that relaxes the muscles and blood vessels in the penis so blood flow is naturally increased. L-arginine has also been found to increase testosterone levels, which provides a further benefit to impotence sufferers. Arginine actually works so well that it’s rare a male suffering with erectile dysfunction doesn’t receive a noticeable lift (yes another bad joke) from taking this particular amino acid. It also starts to give results quite quickly, usually within the first few days.

Not only is arginine an excellent treatment for erectile dysfunction, according to a recent study published by the American Heart Association, it helps to strengthen the heart and increase blood circulation in patients with heart disease and circulatory problems. Further studies have found that L-arginine also stops the build-up of plaque on the arterial walls of high cholesterol patients.

So get set to enjoy these positive health benefits as well!

Home Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction #5 – Cayenne Pepper and Garlic…

Make no mistake, this combination is one extremely powerful treatment for erectile dysfunction. In the words of 80’s music duo, Ashford and Simpson, it will make you as “Solid as a Rock” in no time flat! In fact, a lot of guys who don’t even suffer from impotence actually use this remedy because it gives you excellent staying power as well. And you don’t have to wait long for this remedy to kick in. Usually about 3 hours is all you need before you’re ready to go.

So why does this remedy work so good? Well cayenne pepper increases circulation right throughout the body - including the genital area - and the garlic helps to dilate blood vessels and improve blood flow. When the two are combined, they become a very potent combination for reducing blood pressure and treating high cholesterol and adult-onset diabetes. Of course, they're also the ultimate dog and bone booster!

Best Way to Get Your Cayenne and Garlic…

Cayenne pepper is basically a red hot chilli pepper. If you are used to eating hot and spicy foods then you may be okay with it. For the rest of us, we recommend taking it in capsule form. It’s so much easier and less painful! With the garlic, you can either use fresh garlic (which does give you garlic breath) or take odourless garlic tablets. Just make sure you take the cayenne and garlic together and take them before food on an empty stomach. With the capsules, take one of each 2-3 times daily before a meal. Also try and use cayenne pepper (chillies) and garlic in your cooking as much as possible. Remember, you can never overdose on these amazing herbs and spices so go nuts with them! 

How to cure Knee Pain

How to cure Knee Pain

Assess your pain

Mild to moderate knee pain can often be successfully treated at home. Whether due to a sprain or arthritis, there are several ways to combat the pain.

Before you attempt to treat your pain at home, you should be cautious. Seek medical attention for moderate to severe pain caused by injury. Some types of knee pain can require surgery or other interventions to resolve.

If the pain is due to inflammation, arthritis or a minor injury, however, there are options you can try at home that have proven effective.
Treating pain from injury

If you’ve twisted your leg, taken a hard fall, or otherwise strained your knee, first aid at home can be helpful. Remember the acronym “RICE” for treating strains and sprains:


Get off your feet and apply a cold compress or bag of ice to the knee. Frozen vegetables, such as peas, will also work if you have no ice handy. Wrap your knee with a compression bandage to prevent swelling, but not so tightly it cuts off circulation. While you’re resting, keep your foot elevated.
Treating arthritis pain

Osteoarthritis is one of the most common causes of mild to moderate knee pain that’s not related to injury. As people age, the cartilage that cushions their joints begins to deteriorate. With less lubrication and padding, joints can suffer bone-on-bone contact and become inflamed, causing pain.

There is no way to reverse arthritis damage. In extreme cases, a doctor may recommend a joint replacement. For many who suffer only mild to moderate pain, however, there are many home remedy options worth exploring.
Natural dietary supplements

There is less research on the benefits of supplements and alternative therapy than on pharmaceutical treatment options. Even so, there is some scientific evidence that shows certain supplements can effectively treat arthritis pain. Here are a few of the herbs and supplements some people have found beneficial.
Willow bark

A study published in 2001 found that some people with arthritis experienced pain relief using willow bark. The extract is commonly used by herbalists to treat fever, pain, and inflammation.
Ginger extract

Ginger is available in many forms. It can be purchased in pre-packaged supplement form at health food or vitamin stores. Ginger root or tea can be found at the grocery store. The spice is used in many cuisines. Health benefits include relief from stomach upset and nausea as well as pain relief for many conditions. A study of people with arthritis found that ginger helped to reduce pain when used in combination with a prescription treatment for arthritis.
Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate

These two supplements saw widespread popularity over the past decade due to commercial advertisements claiming they promote joint health. Research has shown that the combination had minimal effect on pain for those with mild to moderate osteoarthritis. However, both supplements did appear to benefit people who had more severe pain.
Alternative therapies
Tai chi

Tai chi is an ancient Chinese form of mind-body exercise that improves balance and flexibility. In a study published by Arthritis and Rheumatism, researchers found that practicing tai chi is especially beneficial for those with osteoarthritis. It reduces pain and increases range of motion. The mental discipline it teaches could also aid in coping with chronic pain.
Exercise and weight management

Daily exercise to keep the joint moving reduces knee pain in some people. For those with arthritis, keeping the leg stationary or reducing the range of motion to avoid pain can stiffen the joint and make matters worse. Being overweight can aggravate the problem as well, so weight management is important.
Heat and cold therapy

Using a heating pad to rest your knee when reclining can help to keep the joint from stiffening up. Wrapping a gel-style cold pack or cool compress around it can reduce pain and swelling.
Herbal ointment

In a study published in the Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, researchers investigated a salve made of cinnamon, ginger, mastic, and sesame oil. They found the salve was just as effective as over-the-counter arthritis creams containing salicylate, a topical pain relief treatment.
Finding care

Before you try any home remedy, whether a dietary supplement or other alternative therapy, you should talk to your doctor. Some supplements can interact with other medications or have unwanted side effects.

It’s also important to find the cause behind the pain. You may need blood work and X-rays to rule out more serious possibilities. The sooner you get to the root of the problem, the sooner you’ll be on the road to recovery.

How to Cure Eye flu

Eye flu is a highly contagious bacterial or viral eye infection, which is also known as pink eye or conjunctivitis. It causes inflammation on the conjunctiva, a thin transparent membrane over the white coating of the eyes. Blood vessels cause redness of the eyes, swelling, itching, pain, burning and sticky discharge. In severe cases, it forms pus under and over the eyelid. When eye flu is caused by viral infection, antibiotic do not respond to it; however, eye flu caused by bacterial infection are treated with antibiotics. Some simple home remedies can also treat eye flue successfully and bring relief from inflammation, pain, burning and other symptoms.
Home Remedies For Eye Flu
Sliced Potato

One of the most effective remedies for curing eye flu is potato slice. Peel a potato. Cut into thin slices. Place a slice over the eyelid to get relief from burning, itching and infection.

Sliced Potato
Chamomile Flower

Prepare eyewash using 2 tsp chamomile flower and 1 tsp grape root. Boil them in 2 cups of water for 15 minutes. Strain the mixture, let it cool and wash your eyes with this mixture 2-3 times a day to get relief.

Chamomile Flower

Rose Water

Rose water is highly effective in clearing the sticky substance from the eyes, which creates a lot of irritation. Just use one or two drops of rose water every time to clear your eyes.

Rose Water
Tea Bags

Place moist chamomile tea bags on your eyelid to get relief from pain, swelling and itching.

Tea Bags

Boil coriander leaves in a cup of water. Strain the liquid and use it for washing your sticky eyes.

Goldthread Leaves

Prepare eyewash after soaking goldthread leaves in water for half an hour. Strain and use this water to wash your eyes. Repeat this 3-4 times a day to find relief from pain and swelling.

Goldthread Leaves

Make infusion by soaking marigold in water. Use this infusion to find relief from eye pain.

Vitamin A and B2

Add vitamin A and B2 rich foods in your diet to help the infection cure quickly. Some foods that are rich in vitamin A include carrot, pumpkin, green leafy vegetables, whole milk, yogurt, mangoes and papaya. You will get enough vitamin B from almonds, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits and bananas etc. Carrot and spinach juice are very effective in treating conjunctivitis as well.

Vitamin A and B2
Indian Gooseberry

Indian gooseberry, which is high in vitamin C and has many other medicinal properties, has been found beneficial for curing conjunctivitis.

Indian Gooseberry
Warm Compress

Dip cotton ball in lukewarm water and place over and around the eyes several times to clean your eyes. It will also help to reduce swelling and inflammation.

natural treatment for Vaginal Itching

Most women will suffer from vaginal itching at some point in their lives. But as every woman who has had this knows, even the most acute cases can be enough to drive you crazy from having the constant urge to itch!

In the moment the constant itching strikes, you need a natural solution that will just ease it immediately until you have a chance to get to root cause of what caused it in the first place. So no need to let vaginal itching ruin your day because trying one or more of the following list should help you feel better in no time.

Please be reassured though, that having vaginal itching does not in any way mean you are dirty or have poor hygiene. Infact, over washing the area can be one of the many causes behind vaginal itching. So, even if at the time you feel helpless, don’t fret – there is a natural solution out there for you, and you can take control of it and get through it.

My Secret Recipe To Stop My Vagina From Itching: Now!

Stop Panicking – The first and most vital thing to do when trying to get rid of an itchy vagina is to take a deep breath, and try to relax. As stress can make having a vaginal itch worse, or cause recurring vaginal itching.  Plus, it can increase the chances of developing an infection.

Cold Water – Rinse the vaginal area with cold water, as this should reduce the heat to the area that can cause the itch. Try showering the vaginal area in a downward position, never directly into the vagina itself.

Wash Away Perfumed Powders or Scented Soaps – If you have washed recently with soaps or any substance containing a perfume like talc, I would strongly suggest rinsing the area gently, with just plain water. As the residues of the soap or perfume could be causing you to itch in the first place. This is especially common if you have just changed soap brands. I personally suggest not using any soap on the area whatsoever, just rinsing once a day with plain, clean water is enough to keep every vagina healthy!

Remove Tight Clothes – Take off your pants and lingerie to air the vagina out. By not letting the vaginal area get enough oxygen and ‘breathe’ if you like, can cause negative bacteria to grow and will be enough to cause an itch

Apple Cider Vinegar Baths – Once a day, immerse your vagina in a shallow water bath (usually referred to as a ‘sitz’ bath) with ½ cup of organic, raw apple cider vinegar. Keep your legs spread wide apart at all times during the sitz bath, so the water can flow freely around your vaginal region. If you do not have a bath, then try using a bath intended for a baby. Apple cider baths have had great results for many women, and experts believe it is due to apple cider being able to inhibit the growth of yeast by killing them with its strong acidic pH level.

Stop Itching – I know this one sounds hard, but in reality, the truth is that the more you itch the scratch – the more the scratch will itch! So you end up in a constant itching battle with yourself. Take a deep breath, relax and try telling yourself ‘I do NOT need to itch’ whilst doing something to take your mind off i

Sleep without Underwear – So your vagina is again exposed to the healthy clean air and will be less likely to sweat in the night. Going forward, you may also want to wear loose fitting clothing in the day time. Try to avoid the following fabrics: Lycra/Spandex, polyester, lace, thongs, tights or anything else that causes your vagina to become hot and itchy. Until you have got your vaginal itch under control it is best to wear organic cotton lingerie (or no lingerie at all) and over the top of this cotton skirts, shorts or trousers.

Apply Ice – Take an ice pack, and cover it in a clean cloth and lay on the lips of your vagina for approximately one hour. You could also try immersing the clean cloth in witch hazel as this could help soothe the itching more quickly.

Apply Plain Organic Yogurt – When applying the yoghurt, apply it to the external genitalia only. The yoghurt cultures help relieve the itch due to the probiotic strains found within, and if it has been kept in the fridge will help soothe the area too

Avoid Having Sex – If you engage in sexual intercourse, and say a yeast infection is causing this particular itch, it can make you itch even more. Ideally, wait for a few days until symptoms calm down.

Drink Plenty of Clean, Purified Water – By ensuring you drink a lot of water, this can help to flush a yeast infection out of your system quicker. Ensure you do not drink more than 2 500ml glasses of water in an hour, as your body can only cope with this amount of water at once.

Avoid Sugar – If the cause of your chronic itching, or reoccurring itching is due to a yeast infection (thrush), then avoiding sugar in your diet will be a step in the right direction to helping to reducing the levels of yeast present. As yeast, specifically Candida Albicans, thrives on sugar. Some people have to avoid fruit sugar also and adhere to a strict Anti-Candida diet for several months, but this is only in extreme cases.

How to grow Breast Naturally

The breasts happen to be one of the most appealing physical features of a woman. In addition to making a woman look more attractive, they can boost a woman’s self-confidence and moral esteem. Sadly, not every woman out there is endowed with the perfect pair of breasts that match her height, weight and personality.

Breast Increasing Exercises

Certain exercises can target the breast muscles and help them grow, thereby increasing your breast size effectively (and naturally). The following exercises can be done at your home and do not cause much strain on the body as well.


Wall Press

Stand straight facing a wall (at arm’s length). Place your palms on the wall and push against it without bending your elbows.

Keep pushing for about 10 seconds and take a break. Repeat the exercise for about 20 times each once in the morning and evening for desirable results.

Wall Press

Swinging Arms

Stand straight with your arms by your side. Swing both arms in the clockwise direction for about 10-15 counts. Take a small break (about 5 seconds) and swing your arms in the anticlockwise direction next for about 10-15 counts. Repeat this exercise for about 10 minutes at regular intervals throughout the day to effectively increase your breast size in a short span of time.

Swinging Arms

Household Chores

The use of electronic items to do the household chores has left women with unhealthy bodies that lack physical exercise. One of the best ways to naturally increase breast size in this case would be to manually do those chores that require plenty of arm movements. An excellent example would be grinding.

Household Chores

Eat Estrogenic Foods

Your breast size can significantly depend on the presence or absence of certain hormones in your body. While the presence of male hormones like testosterone can impede breast growth, absence of estrogen can also reduce breast development and leave you with small, underdeveloped breasts.

The best way to overcome this is to eat foods rich in estrogen. Excess levels of estrogen in the body would regulate the hormonal levels and help you achieve bigger breasts in a short span of time. Some of the best natural sources of estrogen include chicken head soup, anise seeds, soy foods, vegetables, legumes, fruits, eggs, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and flax seeds etc.

Estrogenic Foods

Eat Healthy Fats

Increasing your intake of healthy fats can help increase your breast size, provided you don’t put on weight everywhere else. Avoid unhealthy fats that can create health related problems in the long run.

Stick to healthy fats found in foods like eggs, avocados, nuts, olive oil, fatty (oily) fish, and peanut butter etc. and follow it up with regular exercises to make sure the fat your derive from these foods reach your breasts without stopping anywhere in between.

Fatty Acids

Eat Radish

Radish has been linked to natural breast enhancement in several studies and is known to contain potent astringent properties that would help improve the blood flow to the local tissues, including those found in the breasts.

Increased blood circulation to the breasts would help increase breast size quickly and effectively.


Opt For Natural Supplements

Lack of certain minerals and vitamins in the body can lead to hormonal imbalances which in turn can cause underdeveloped or small breasts. In these cases, opting for natural supplements can help prevent these deficiencies and promote normal breast development.Some of the natural supplements that aid in breast growth include:


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Amino Acids

In addition to increasing the breast size, amino acids are known to help burn excess fat stores in the body and prolong the aging process. Amino acids also have properties that emulate those of the growth hormone needed for breast enlargement.

Taking amino acid supplements on a regular basis would therefore, help increase breast size quickly, effectively and naturally.

Amino Acids


Vitamin deficiencies can have a negative impact on your breast size. While each vitamin (Vitamin A, C, E and B6) has its own specific role in breast enhancement, combined together, these vitamins can help promote breast development to a great extent. For instance, Vitamin A helps promote skin cell regeneration and rejuvenation.

Vitamin C helps in collagen restoration, thereby increasing the fullness and support of cellular tissues and skin (including those found in the breast). Vitamin B6 aids in formation of new blood cells. And Vitamin E helps regulates the cholesterol levels in the body, thereby preventing the formation of excess fat stores in other parts of the body. Together, these vitamins can help increase the breast size naturally without causing any side effects in the process.

Vitamin C

Wear Breast Enhancing Clothes

The clothes you wear can either highlight your breasts or make them look downright flat (even if you have a normal bust size). Always make it a point to choose clothes that do not flatten out your chest as this can be detrimental to your breasts. If you have small breasts, opt for padded bras and clothes that would make your breasts look bigger and fuller.

natural treatment for Breast

Home remedies for Vaginal Itching and Burning

Most women will suffer from vaginal itching at some point in their lives. But as every woman who has had this knows, even the most acute cases can be enough to drive you crazy from having the constant urge to itch!

In the moment the constant itching strikes, you need a natural solution that will just ease it immediately until you have a chance to get to root cause of what caused it in the first place. So no need to let vaginal itching ruin your day because trying one or more of the following list should help you feel better in no time.

Please be reassured though, that having vaginal itching does not in any way mean you are dirty or have poor hygiene. Infact, over washing the area can be one of the many causes behind vaginal itching. So, even if at the time you feel helpless, don’t fret – there is a natural solution out there for you, and you can take control of it and get through it.

My Secret Recipe To Stop My Vagina From Itching: Now!

Stop Panicking – The first and most vital thing to do when trying to get rid of an itchy vagina is to take a deep breath, and try to relax. As stress can make having a vaginal itch worse, or cause recurring vaginal itching.  Plus, it can increase the chances of developing an infection.

Cold Water – Rinse the vaginal area with cold water, as this should reduce the heat to the area that can cause the itch. Try showering the vaginal area in a downward position, never directly into the vagina itself.

Wash Away Perfumed Powders or Scented Soaps – If you have washed recently with soaps or any substance containing a perfume like talc, I would strongly suggest rinsing the area gently, with just plain water. As the residues of the soap or perfume could be causing you to itch in the first place. This is especially common if you have just changed soap brands. I personally suggest not using any soap on the area whatsoever, just rinsing once a day with plain, clean water is enough to keep every vagina healthy!

Remove Tight Clothes – Take off your pants and lingerie to air the vagina out. By not letting the vaginal area get enough oxygen and ‘breathe’ if you like, can cause negative bacteria to grow and will be enough to cause an itch

Apple Cider Vinegar Baths – Once a day, immerse your vagina in a shallow water bath (usually referred to as a ‘sitz’ bath) with ½ cup of organic, raw apple cider vinegar. Keep your legs spread wide apart at all times during the sitz bath, so the water can flow freely around your vaginal region. If you do not have a bath, then try using a bath intended for a baby. Apple cider baths have had great results for many women, and experts believe it is due to apple cider being able to inhibit the growth of yeast by killing them with its strong acidic pH level.

Stop Itching – I know this one sounds hard, but in reality, the truth is that the more you itch the scratch – the more the scratch will itch! So you end up in a constant itching battle with yourself. Take a deep breath, relax and try telling yourself ‘I do NOT need to itch’ whilst doing something to take your mind off i

Sleep without Underwear – So your vagina is again exposed to the healthy clean air and will be less likely to sweat in the night. Going forward, you may also want to wear loose fitting clothing in the day time. Try to avoid the following fabrics: Lycra/Spandex, polyester, lace, thongs, tights or anything else that causes your vagina to become hot and itchy. Until you have got your vaginal itch under control it is best to wear organic cotton lingerie (or no lingerie at all) and over the top of this cotton skirts, shorts or trousers.

Apply Ice – Take an ice pack, and cover it in a clean cloth and lay on the lips of your vagina for approximately one hour. You could also try immersing the clean cloth in witch hazel as this could help soothe the itching more quickly.

Apply Plain Organic Yogurt – When applying the yoghurt, apply it to the external genitalia only. The yoghurt cultures help relieve the itch due to the probiotic strains found within, and if it has been kept in the fridge will help soothe the area too

Avoid Having Sex – If you engage in sexual intercourse, and say a yeast infection is causing this particular itch, it can make you itch even more. Ideally, wait for a few days until symptoms calm down.

Drink Plenty of Clean, Purified Water – By ensuring you drink a lot of water, this can help to flush a yeast infection out of your system quicker. Ensure you do not drink more than 2 500ml glasses of water in an hour, as your body can only cope with this amount of water at once.

Avoid Sugar – If the cause of your chronic itching, or reoccurring itching is due to a yeast infection (thrush), then avoiding sugar in your diet will be a step in the right direction to helping to reducing the levels of yeast present. As yeast, specifically Candida Albicans, thrives on sugar. Some people have to avoid fruit sugar also and adhere to a strict Anti-Candida diet for several months, but this is only in extreme cases.

how to cure penis itching

Itchy penis or penile itch is a tickling, irritating sensation accompanied by the persistent need to scratch. It can be accompanied by the appearance of bumps, discolorations, or red spots on the genitals and testicular area. It can be extremely uncomfortable and create difficulty with urination, sexual relations, and daily activities.
 This occurs due to various reasons, the most common reasons are: – Sexually Transmitted diseases (STDs) – An inflammation and irritation of the groin area. – Fungal infections. – Bacterial infection. – Tight undergarments. – Allergic reaction. READ ALSO: 7 Health Risks Of Child Bearing After Age 35Itchy penis though caused by a number of reasons can easily be treated with any of the 6 home remedies below:

1. Onion Share on Facebook Share on Twitter onion Due to its antifungal, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties, onion can easily kill the fungus that causes itchy penis and bring relief. Grind an onion into a paste. Apply it on the infected area. Leave it on for about 30 minutes and then rinse the area thoroughly with lukewarm water.

2.Salt Bath Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Salt Put two handfuls of salt in your bath water. Do not put other additives such as bubble bath, bath oils or disinfectants.

 3. Apply either aloe vera gel, cod liver oil or lemon juice on the affected area Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Aloe-Vera10

4. Honey Share on Facebook Share on Twitter honey The antiseptic, antifungal and soothing properties of honey can be of great help in getting rid of jock itch. READ ALSO: How To Get Rid Of Vaginal Odour

5. Alcohol Share on Facebook Share on Twitter alcohol-on-shelves Using alcohol is another effective home remedy for itchy penis because it kills the fungus causing the infection. It also helps to keep the affected area dry. Dip a cotton ball in alcohol and dab it on the affected area. You do not need to wash it off as the alcohol evaporate’s quickly.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar Share on Facebook Share on Twitter apple Washing the infected skin with diluted apple cider vinegar is a good way to stop itchy penis. Apple cider vinegar has strong antifungal and antibacterial properties that helps. Mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in two cups of warm water. Wash the infected area with this solution and allow it to dry on its own.

Home remedies for Penis Itching, how to cure penis itching

Friday, October 7, 2016

Natural Cancer Treatment

What happens to the body, which is immune strength Resistance power! They are all dead. Chemotherapy is given when the doctor has to say it, but what would we want to kill cancer cells in the same cell with good die. Any patient who came to brother Rajiv After Chemotherapy Rajiv brother could not save him. But the reverse is also recorded .. Rajiv brother without any patient having undergone Chemotherapy Second & third Stage of the cancer not die until he found one!

Treatment mean you have to spend in making the patient even though she has been in your hands. Doctor maze keeps you in just 6 months will heal will heal in 8 months but in the end she is dying, but have not been found to be no escape after Chemotherapy.

The injections are given to him, which is fed Tablets, which Chemotherapy is given him all her hair to float, fly away hair is Bru, do not recognize the face looks so scary is his own man? Why are you giving him so much trouble? Just because you have a lot of money if you have an ego the Manuga Treatment advisable! He is not the only,

And you do not hear much talk of your neighborhood because nowadays we do Relatives very Emotionally Exploit. If someone has a serious illness in the home before the relatives come and say he's not taking Hey All India going? PGI are not going to take? Do not move the Tata Institute in Bombay? Not tell me you've been taking medicine at home .... Hey you big time saver for parents, man can not do much for the mother can not be so. " These are very dangerous people !!

Innocently they say could be at times, their intention is not bad but there is nothing they Knowledge, Knowledge without giving suggestions on the suggestions they are substantial and often educated man is stranded in the patient .. who gives the money goes.

What to do for cancer? Our house is a very good claim for cancer Kkab doctor first assumed they were not even considered; Anti-Cancerous claims in the same world his name is "turmeric". Turmeric has the power to cure cancer! She knows how to take the power that holds his name is a chemical in turmeric Krkumin (Carcumin) and can kill cancer cells and also in the rest of the world not made any chemical not God created man.

Turmeric is one thing that is the same as Krkumin and native cow urine. Noted native cow urine urine from the body flange directly to the eight layers of cotton clothing will have been filtered. So you might get native cow's urine and turmeric if you are, you can easily cure cancer. (Identification of native cow's hump on his back)

Now the native cow's urine cup and ½ teaspoon turmeric comes two extras to reheat the boil then cool to him. After coming to Room Temperature .. Chuskia take the patient to drink tea Trha doing Sip Sip. Ayurvedic claims which if another hag Milayenge half a teaspoon if the good result will come. These Complementary store powder or small pieces of the Ayurveda joins.

Remember, this claim comes just work overseas Jersey native cow's urine urine does not work. And which become black and the native cow urine gives the best results in all of these. The drug (native cow urine, turmeric, hog) extras in the right proportions to keep stored in a vessel of boiling chilled glass bottle in the refrigerator, do not ever put, not put sun. These claims second stage of cancer and sometimes even in the third stage is a very good result. Fourth and Third Cross has reached the stage when there is problem in the result. And if someone gave Bagera Chemotherapy patient arrives, then no effect! However Pilado do not have any results, the patient dies. If you are someone asking him to take the patient claims to take life was not so far started Chemotherapy? Do not put hands in it if you have begun, let a doctor like that, you pray to God for him .. that's it.

Chemotherapy has not start if he did not start treatment, you'll see a Alopythy Miraculous (miraculous results have come. These medicines work on the resistance of the body, our vitality is that it does improve, except turmeric hog urine and improve the vitality of the body and vitality improve after cancer cells is the control.

If the cancer is in your life you can work this way; Besides, who is also a lot of medicines that have complicated a very good doctor or physician will not be in your home only if it does Hndl. Be careful when taking the urine of a pregnant cow should not. His mother was not a heifer cow urine which you can use anytime.

It occurred to cancer therapy, but in life and it is also good to know not only the cancer. If the cancer is not life ever for you to remember one thing, always eats Dalda ghee in it (refine oil) is not so? Refined oil in it is not so? That may not always pure mustard oil, coconut, groundnut oil use in food! Ghee, cow ghee and eat native food is! No country cow ghee!

They take a second to eat whatever is in it should be higher, such as fibrous part Chilkewali casts Chilkewali eating vegetables, rice is eaten at all Chilkewali Be sure no cancer is not Chance.

The whole world says the same thing about cancer, whether it be doctors, experts have, Scientist is the only way to save it.

Women nowadays uterus cancer in the uterus, breasts and is rapidly increasing in the Tumour convert the cancer is in. Mothers and sisters should do so in the life Tumour not ever come? Prevention is the best for you as soon as any part of your body in the unwanted growth (Rsoli, lump) is detected to be careful if you go soon. Though not all lumps are cancerous and Rsoli 2-3% of all cancer is convert

But then you have to be careful. If there was any lumps or Rsoli mothers who are non-cancerous smelt it and then quickly deliver the solution to the world of the fine, claiming "chosen". Vohi who choose to drink is eaten, which is used in Potai; Chosen from the store to get them elected Kanak Panwale that day to eat the equivalent of a grain; This is the way to eat drink and take a solution in water, yogurt, yogurt drink and take in the solution, a solution in Lassi lassi drink Take, Take, eat lentils extras to put, put in the vegetable curry mix. There appendicitis patient has chosen to focus on Berjit.

Thank you very much for reading the whole post!

How to Cure Hair fall naturally

The 100% effective way to stop hair loss in just 10 days and 30 days, the new hair will begin to come, of course, follow, people are very disturbed by the problem hair. Such as hair loss or hair, do not stay, go bald in a very simple and effective way for all of them. Must adopt

60-70 grams of oleander leaves (red or yellow with either a single or both) to carry dry cloth to clean them well before she goes out to make the clay Unpe.,. Now a liter of mustard oil or coconut oil or the oil of Zetoon Put the cut leaves in it. Heating oil and leave it for now. Visit all the leaves turned black when they threw burning and Oil Filter of turned around and keep in a bottle.
How to use

Where there are no hairs on everyday where there is little oil to massage just 2 minutes until the next day and just forget again. Here you can still sleep at night and work during the day before the award.

Just a month you will start to see the effect. Just inside the hair loss will stop within 10 days or a very short one month and the new hair will begin to arrive. These measures are perfectly .. We tested at least 10 people on the successful testing ... A woman of 14 years were not off hair loss. Thanks ...
Please note

Yellow leaves on the trees, which take the puck becomes yellow, yellow, even after they have become a little red, he can have it.

What happens in the juice of oleander plant is very poisonous, so it is only for external use with no mistakes Do not eat it