Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Natural Treatment for Ear Infection

 Natural Treatment for Ear Infection

1. Olive Oil

Olive oil can provide fast relief from an earache. It serves as a lubricant and helps get rid of an infection in the ear. Olive oil can also be helpful in stopping buzzing sensations inside the ears.

    Put 3-4 drops of lukewarm olive oil as ear drops into the ear canal.
    Alternatively, you can dip a cotton bud in the oil and put it firmly into the ear.

You can also use mustard oil in the same way.
2. Garlic

The analgesic and antibiotic properties of garlic can help reduce earache caused by an ear infection.

earache home remedy

    Heat one teaspoon of minced garlic in two tablespoons of sesame oil. Cool and filter the oil. Put 2-3 drops of this garlic oil in the aching ear.
    Another option is to extract the juice out of a few cloves of garlic and put it into the ear that hurts.

3. Onion

Onion is one of the most readily available home remedies for an earache. The antiseptic and antibacterial properties in onions work well in treating the problem.

    Extract one tablespoon of onion juice from grated onions and heat it over low heat. Then put 2-3 drops of the juice into affected ear 2-3 times a day.
    Crush a fresh onion and wrap it tightly in a piece of clean cloth. Hold the cloth over the infected ear for about 5 to 10 minutes. Repeat the process several times a day.

4. Hot Water Bottle

Putting moist heat around an infected ear can work as a great pain reliever. Simply wrap a hot water bottle in a towel and press it against the aching ear for a few minutes.
5. Ginger

Ginger has strong anti-inflammatory properties that can be helpful in treating ear infections. It is also an excellent natural painkiller.

    Extract juice from fresh ginger and put it directly into the ears to get relief from pain and reduce inflammation.
    You can also mix one teaspoon of fresh grated ginger root with two tablespoons of olive oil. Leave it to infuse for 5 to 10 minutes and then put a few drops of the oil in the aching ear.

6. Peppermint

Both peppermint leaves and peppermint oil can be used to soothe earaches.

    Put the juice from fresh peppermint leaves in a dropper and then put some drops inside the aching ear.
    Using a cotton swab, apply a few drops of peppermint oil externally around the opening of your ear. Avoid getting any of this oil inside your ear. You can also dilute the peppermint oil using olive oil and then apply.

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