Tuesday, August 9, 2011

yoga for heart disease

As per a survey coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in this world. Now, researchers have shown us that yoga and meditation both help in the reduction of blood pressure. Lowering the pulse rate, improving the elasticity of the arteries, regulating the heart rhythm and increasing the heart's stroke volume. In today's society, stress plays a major role in heart disease. When stressed, your heart rate and blood pressure rises, which in turn, releases stress hormones. These stress hormones can cause damage to the heart and blood vessels, especially during prolonged or repeated exposures.

The factor that contributes heavily to heart disease is stress. Situations which are highly stressful increase the heart rate and blood pressure. The stress hormones get released during a stressful situation; extended or recurrent exposure of these hormones can injure the heart and the blood vessels. Yoga promotes a relaxed state of mind and body and is also widely known for playing a vital role in reduction of stress hormones, decreasing the heart rate and lowering blood pressure.

Breast Development Guide

The development of the breasts is a very important part of human life. Human females develop full breasts long before they are required to nurse their offspring. In a woman's life, her breasts goes through many changes like changes at puberty, changes during pregnancy, while breastfeeding, and during menopause. These changes happen in accordance with her age. Mainly the breast development procedure is a three-phase procedure- lobule development, glandular development and shrinkage of the milk ducts. Between the ages of 10 and 25, lobule development, between ages 13 to 45, glandular development and from age 35 onwards shrinkage of milk ducts takes place.

Breast Development - A Basic Outline

Beginning of breast development

The first development of the breasts begins at about six weeks of fetal development and by the time female infant is born, a nipple and the milk duct system is already formed.

Breast development at puberty

When a girl comes close to adolescence, the outward signs of breast development begin to appear. The secretion of estrogen in the ovaries causes this enlargement in the breasts. Along with this the pubic hair and hair under the arms also appear. The breasts and milk ducts continue to grow and mature with each passing menstruation cycle. There are various changes in the hormones in each and every month. Many of the women experience swelling, pain and tenderness of breasts just before the menstruation. The rate of growth of breasts is not same in all women.

Breast development during pregnancy and lactation

Breast changes are the first signs of pregnancy. In pregnancy the breasts starts swelling, nipples become sore and the areolas become darker in color. By the sixth month of pregnancy breasts become ready to produce milk.

Breast development at menopause

By the age of 40 to 50, the estrogen and progesterone levels start decreasing. Due to this the breasts start losing their shape and appear dehydrated and inelastic. This results in sagging of the breasts.

Early or late breast development

There is no any fix way for breast development and the development of breasts is not in a same manner in all women. In some women breasts start developing at an early age while in some the breast development happens late. Sometimes, even girls of age 7 or 8 years start developing their breasts, while in others it may start only after the age of 12 or 13 years.

Breast Development - A Bit of Advice

Breast development in every girl follows a different pattern. There is no need to feel sad if your breasts have not started developing even at the age of 11-12 years. You can share your feeling with your mother or sisters. You will need to consult a health care provider only in case you have no breast development by the time you become 13 years. When you start growing from a child to an adult, the transition is named as puberty. Your body will go through several changes in this period. The hormone levels in your body will cause the development of breasts and also the menstruation cycle will start in this period itself. The age of puberty is also different in women and it generally depends upon heredity and nutrition.

How are Blood Sugar levels measured

What is blood glucose level?

Blood glucose level is the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood. It is also known as serum glucose level. The amount of glucose in the blood is expressed as millimoles per litre (mmol/l).

Normally, blood glucose levels stay within narrow limits throughout the day (4 to 8mmol/l). But they are higher after meals and usually lowest in the morning.

If a person has diabetes, their blood glucose level sometimes moves outside these limits.

Why control blood glucose levels?

When you have diabetes it's very important that your glucose level is as near normal as possible. The primary goal of any diabetes treatment is simply to keep the glucose level stable.

Stable blood glucose significantly reduces the risk of developing late-stage diabetic complications. These may start to appear 10 to 15 years after diagnosis with Type 1 diabetes and often less than 10 years after diagnosis with Type 2 diabetes. They include:

--neuropathy (nerve disease)
--retinopathy (eye disease)
--nephropathy (kidney disease)
--cerebrovascular disease, such as stroke
--cardiovascular disease, such as heart attack, hypertension and heart failure.

How can I measure blood glucose levels?

Blood glucose levels can be measured very simply and quickly with a home blood glucose level testing kit. These come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, but they all consist of at least two things: the measuring device itself and a strip. A pharmacist will be able to advise you about the most appropriate model for you.

To check your blood glucose level put a small amount of blood on the strip and place the strip into the device. After about 30 seconds it will display the blood glucose level. The best way to take a blood sample is by pricking the finger with a surgical knife, called a lancet.

What should glucose levels be?

The best values are:

--4 to 7mmol/l before meals.
--less than 10mmol/l one-and-a-half hours after meals.
--around 8mmol/l at bedtime.

How often should blood glucose levels be measured?

People who have Type 1 diabetes should measure their blood glucose level once a day, either in the morning before breakfast or at bedtime.

In addition, they should do a 24-hour profile a couple of times a week. That means measuring blood glucose levels before each meal and before bed.

People who have Type 2 diabetes and are being treated with insulin should also follow the schedule above.

People who have Type 2 diabetes and who are being treated with tablets or a special diet should measure their blood glucose levels once or twice a week either before meals or one-and-a-half hours after a meal. They should also do a 24-hour profile once or twice a month.

The main advantage for insulin-treated diabetics in measuring blood glucose levels in the morning is that appropriate amounts of insulin can be taken if the blood glucose level is high or low. This will reduce the risk of developing late-stage diabetic complications.

Blood glucose levels at bedtime

The blood glucose level at bedtime should be between 7 and 10 mmol/l.

If blood glucose is very low or very high at bedtime, you may need to adjust your food intake or insulin dose. Make sure you discuss this with your doctor.

At what other times should blood glucose levels be measured?

Blood glucose should be measured any time you don't feel well, or think your blood glucose is either too high or too low.

People who have Type 1 diabetes with a high level of glucose in their blood (more than 20mmol/l), in addition to sugar traces in the urine, should check for ketone bodies in their urine, using a urine strip.

If ketone bodies are present, it's a warning signal that they either have, or may develop, diabetic acidosis. If this is the case, they should consult their doctor.

What is glycated haemoglobin?

Glycated haemoglobin or HbA1c - also known as long-term glucose - shows how much of the haemoglobin in the blood is glycated. This means that a haemoglobin cell in your blood has picked up a glucose molecule. The normal amount is 6 to 7 per cent.

This test is usually done using a blood sample from the patient's arm. It shows how high the glucose levels have been over the last six to eight weeks.

Unfortunately, different hospitals have different guidelines, but generally speaking a level of:

--7 to 8 per cent is usually fine
--8 to 10 per cent is not quite acceptable
--above 10 per cent is unacceptable.

How can i Heal my liver naturally

Liver is one of the most essential organs in our body. It performs many important functions. Without liver, you could not digest food and absorb nutrients and get rid of toxic substances from your body. It performs functions like filtering blood, reducing toxins and producing factors that help blood clot.

It works as a chemical factory, producing substances that perform vital tasks in your body. It also serves as a storage depot for sugar (glucose), which it releases when you need energy. It converts sugar into triglycerides (lipids/fats) and glycogen (a form of glucose/sugar stored by the liver) that helps regulates you body needs. As with all organs of your body, the liver is also subject to a range of disorders and diseases. Severe complications may happen if you develop any liver problem. This could be jaundice, cirrhosis, hepatitis and enlargement of the liver, all of which are life-threatening conditions. Hence, it is very important to take proper care of your liver.

General symptoms that can indicate a liver problem are loss of appetite, pain in the abdomen and swelling, difficulty in breathing and coughing, discolored skin and eyes that appear yellowish, skin problems, itchy skin, bad breath, dark urine color, pale stool color, digestive problems, diarrhea, flatulence, fatigue, nausea, frequent headache, allergies and intolerances to foods and difficulty in losing weight.
1. Chicory (kasni) is a useful herb in the treatment of liver problems. The juice of the chicory plant promotes the secretion of the bile and is used in treating biliary stasis, bile obstruction, sluggishness of the liver, jaundice and enlargement of the spleen.

2. Hydrophila (gokulakanta) is used for treatment of hepatitis, jaundice and derangement of the liver. Prepare a decoction by boiling 60 grams root powder in half a liter of water for about half an hour. Take 30 to 60 milliliters of this decoction twice or thrice daily.

3. Dandelion (kanphul) stimulates the liver and the gall bladder for the proper utilization of fats within the body. The juice of dandelion is used in treatment of liver problems. It helps in the detoxification of the liver. Its tea is also beneficial in hepatitis. 4. Cut a lemon into two pieces and remove the seeds. Now cut this into four parts in such a way that the pieces are not separated. In one part put black pepper (kaali mirch), in one black salt, in one dry ginger (saunth), and in one sugar candy. Cover at night with a plate and in the morning, one hour before taking food warm this lemon in a pan and suck it. Do this treatment for 2-3 weeks. This helps in cirrhosis of the liver.

5. Barberry (jaundice berry) has beneficial effects in the treatment of jaundice. Make a bitter tonic from the bark of the barberry tree. Take quarter teaspoon of this tonic when jaundice strikes.

6. Detoxification of the liver is very important in case of liver problems. For this, you need to keep fast for a day. After that, do not eat foods that are difficult to digest. Eat plenty of legumes (beans and peas) and seeds, which contain arginine, an amino acid helpful in detoxification.

7. Henna is also a useful herb in the treatment of liver problems. Its bark is effective in the treatment of jaundice and enlargement of the liver.

8. Include garlic in your diet. Bitter vegetables such as bitter gourd and drumstick are good.

9. Indian aloe (ghee kanvar) stimulates the liver into carrying out its functions normally. It is beneficial in the treatment of jaundice and enlargement of the liver.

10. Drinking Chinese black tea is beneficial for a fatty liver. Go to a Chinese herbal store and get black tea. Drink this tea two times a day.

11. Trailing eclipta (bhangra) is helpful in the treatment of catarrhal jaundice and liver enlargement. Prepare a decoction of the juice of the herb and add essences of cardamom and cinnamon. Take one teaspoon twice a day.

12. People with liver problems often lack sufficient K. Hence, include plenty of raw fruits and vegetables, especially leafy greens that are high in vitamin K.

13. Turpeth (nisoth) is beneficial in the treatment of jaundice. Take one to two teaspoons of turpeth powder in hot water twice a day.

14. Take a glass of buttermilk and add a little salt and some roasted cumin seeds (jeera). Drink it early in the morning. This keeps the liver healthy and protects it from disorders.

15. Milk thistle (silybum marianum) is useful in the treatment of chronic liver disease and protect against toxins. Go to your local health food store and get milk thistle tablets. Take milk thistle daily as directed on the label.

16. Indian sorrel (amboti ki patti) is used in the treatment of jaundice. Extract the fresh juice of Indian sorrel and mix with buttermilk made from cow's milk and take it daily during jaundice.

17. Spearmint is useful in the treatment of liver enlargement. Take its juice sweetened with sugar for ten days.

18. Eat chia seed (salvia hispanica) on a daily basis. It is full of Omega-3 and anti-oxidants, along with other nutrients. It is used to reduce fatty liver, cholesterol, blood sugar and fat.

19. Take the juice of two raw oranges once a day for up to a week. This will help in strengthening and rejuvenating your organ. A mixture of carrot and spinach juice is also beneficial.

20. Avoid all fried, spicy, and salty foods. Take cow's milk or goat's milk instead of buffalo's milk. Use buttermilk instead of curd.

21. Extract the juice of about ten papaya seeds. Mix it with a teaspoonful of limejuice. Drink this juice once a day. You can also consume at least half a papaya every day.

22. Take a regular diet of eggplant (brinjal). This helps to reduce the enlargement of the liver and to bring it back to its original size.

23. Extract a half-cup juice of bitter gourd (karela). Add some salt in it. Drink this in the morning on an empty stomach. This is an effective home remedy for liver enlargement and other related problems.

24. Eat fiber rich foods to avoid constipation. When your colon does not eliminate properly, toxins build up in your body, making your liver work overtime. Raw fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans, sweet potatoes and prunes are good source of fiber.

25. Painkillers and certain other drugs can affect your liver if taken for a long duration. Avoid drugs and painkillers and use natural remedies for pain relief.

26. Take 25 mg fresh Indian gooseberry (amla) or 4 grams dry Indian gooseberry with water thrice a day for 15-20 days to cure all liver 27. Include foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids as they help in the protection of liver and may prevent liver cancer. Olive oil, walnuts, flaxseed and cold-water fish are good source of omega-3 fatty acids.