Showing posts with label Natural treatment for weak eyesight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Natural treatment for weak eyesight. Show all posts

Friday, July 15, 2011

Natural treatment for weak eyesight

Heat and Weakness of brain is a main cause of weak eyesight. The morbid matter eliminating by means of Common Cold if suppressed by wrong treatment, also adversely effects the eyes.

Beside this, longover and closely watching of TV., continuous reading in a powerful light, digestive disorder, unbalanced eating and living habits and deficiency of vitamin A in food are also responsible for weak eyesight. In maturity, excessive worry and consumption of alcohol also produce weakness of eyes.For some people stress and excessive use of alcohol can too create eyesight harms.

Eyes referred to as the Kapha version by the Ayurveda medicine texts are usually large and clear with thick lashes while those known as Pitta are sharp, penetrating and sensitive to the point of being very vulnerable for itching and reddening. There are also the Vata eyes that are normally small, dry and nervous looking.

Weak point in a number of part of the brain may be a reason of eye deterioration, but the main causes of weak eyesight include watching TV or functioning in face of a computer for a long stage lacking break, reading in unsuitable distance or lighting, digestive disorder, unbalanced nutrition, lack of vitamins and poor diet. For some people stress and excessive use of alcohol can too create eyesight harms.

Eyes referred to as the Kapha version by the Ayurveda medicine texts are usually large and clear with thick lashes while those known as Pitta are sharp, penetrating and sensitive to the point of being very vulnerable for itching and reddening. There are also the Vata eyes that are normally small, dry and nervous looking.

Weak Eyesight Treatment

For averting weakness of eyes caused due to suppressed Common Cold or surplus heat in brain practice ofJala Neti is highly beneficial. The muscles and nerves of that place become toned up by keeping Mud pack over eyes or by giving Cold water splashes to the eyes. In the event of non-availability of Mud, Cold water pack should be applied.1. Clockwise and anti clockwise rotation of shoulders 10 times each. 2. Clockwise and anti clockwise rotation of neck 10 times each. Here it should be kept in mind that the pressure on muscles is frequently changed.

3. Eye exercises: Upward and downward movement, of eye balls, left and right movement of eye balls and clockwise and anti clockwise movement of eye balls. All above exercises should be repeated ten times at a time and several times in a day.

4. Palming - Closing of the eyes by way of covering them with both the palms is known as palming. This is helpful in making the eyes stress free. It should also be practised several times in a day.

Home Remedies for Weak Eyesight

1. Close both the eyes very tightly by shutting the lids firmly. Open them suddenly which allows you to feel the stretch. Once open arch your brows and stretch your face. Repeat this several times a day.

2. Look as far as possible and inhale then look down as far as possible and exhale. Blink your eyes more than dozen times. Do the same procedure by turning to your left and right then diagonally up to left, down to right, up to right and down to left followed by rapid blinking.

3. Rotate your eyes in all the directions. Slowly and steadily concentrate one eye at a time. Do this exercise more than dozen times and try doing this with your eyes shut.

4. By using palming which can be stated as a revised version of the thousand-year-old yoga tradition known was Hatha Yoga. It relieves strain and stress from your mind and eyes which needs the required break.

For this you have to warm your hands by rubbing them together vigorously. Once it's warm cover the eye without touching the eyelids. This relaxes the nerves and helps in blood circulation.