Are you worried with kidney or renal stones?
Are you having burning micturation?
Are you suffering with urine unconsistence?
Do you have constant UTI's?
Is there any kind of burning sensation on the on the genitals?
Do you have Hyperuricemia?
Do you have Hyperuricemia?
Then you have a single solution for it.
Himalaya Herbals Cystone
60 Tablets per Bottle
Benefits of Cystone: Treats & prevents Kidney Stones and Urinary Stones, Urinary Tract Infections, Burning Urination
It is known as CYSTONE
Himalaya cystone is one of the premier products that are being used world wide by people who suffer form ay trouble pertaining to urine. This herbal formulation is extremely beneficial in treating all your urinary tract problems.
Himalaya Cystone is a powerful Ayurvedic formulation that prevents supersaturation of lithogenic substances, controls oxamide (a material that precipitates stone formation in the kidney) absorption from the intestine and rectifies the crystalloid-colloid imbalance in the body. Himalaya herbal Cystone restrains calculogenesis by dropping stone-forming substances like oxalic acid, calcium hydroxyproline, etc., and causes their exclusion by micro pulverization.
Himalaya Ayurvedic Cystone tablets causes breakdown of the calculi and the crystals by acting on the mucin that binds the particles together leading to stones formation. Himalaya Cystone's antimicrobial actions are helpful in the prevention of urinary tract infections (UTI) associated with urinary stones and crystalluria. Cystone's antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory activities relieve ureteric colic and alleviate symptoms of tender and burning micturition (urination).
Himalaya Ayurvedic Cystone tablets causes breakdown of the calculi and the crystals by acting on the mucin that binds the particles together leading to stones formation. Himalaya Cystone's antimicrobial actions are helpful in the prevention of urinary tract infections (UTI) associated with urinary stones and crystalluria. Cystone's antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory activities relieve ureteric colic and alleviate symptoms of tender and burning micturition (urination).
Take 2 tablets of Himalaya Cystone twice to thrice daily with water or as directed by physician.
Side Effects
A Himalaya Cystone tablet has no known side effect if taken in prescribed dosage.
Indications and uses
Himalaya Cystone tablets are indicated in:
1. Effective in both prophylaxis and treatment of adult and pediatric urolithiasis:
1. Oxalate stones formed by oxalate deposition
2. Phosphate stones formed by phosphate deposition
3. Uric acid and urate stones formed by uric acid deposition
4. Infection stones
2. Crystalluria
3. Prevention of post-lithotripsy recurrence
4. As an adjuvant in:
1. Chronic urinary tract infections
2. Non-specific urethritis including dysuria
3. Burning micturition
4. Hyperuricemia
Each Cystone tablet contains:
Extracts of:
1. Didymocarpus pedicellata 65 mg
2. Saxifraga ligulata 49 mg
3. Rubia cordifolia 16 mg
4. Cyperus scariosus 16 mg
5. Achyranthes aspera 16 mg
6. Onosma bracteatum 16 mg
7. Vernonia cinerea 16 mg
8. Shilajeet (Purified) 13 mg
9. Hajrul yahood bhasma 16 mg
Studies on Himalaya cystone tablets
Evaluation of Efficacy and Safety of Himalaya Cystone in Lower Ureteric Calculus
The present study evaluated the efficacy and safety of Cystone syrup, a polyherbal formulation, in lower ureteric calculus. The incidence of urolithiasis is high in developing countries, and in the northern and north-western regions of India . The study was an open, non-randomized, non-comparative, prospective clinical trial conducted as per the ethical guidelines of Declaration of Helsinki. Twenty-five patients having lower ureteric calculi were included in this study. Patients with any complication like severe pain, hematuria or obstruction requiring immediate surgery,
hydronephrosis, acute renal failure, multiple ureteric stones, pregnant or lactating women, women with childbearing potential without adequate contraception, hepatic / renal/cardiac disease were excluded. A thorough history and clinical examination was done before treatment and during follow-up visits every week till the end of treatment on day 28 along with recording of adverse events. All patients were investigated before and after the treatment for routine urine analysis
with culture and sensitivity and blood urea, serum creatinine, sodium, potassium, calcium, bicarbonate and uric acid levels. All patients also underwent abdominal radio imaging and ultrasound examination at baseline and at the end of the therapy. All 25 patients enrolled completed the study. On starting Cystone syrup therapy, a significant (p < 0.0001) symptomatic
relief of abdominal pain and dysuria was reported. There was a significant (p < 0.0001) reduction in the mean number of pain episodes from 2.72 ± 1.339 to 0.92 ± 0.8622 per day at the end of the therapy. A significant reduction (p < 0.0001) in the daytime and night time urinary frequency
was observed at the end of treatment. Disappearance of stones was noted in 11 (44%, p < 0.001) patients at the end of the 28-day study period. It was concluded that Cystone syrup is clinically safe and effective in the management of lower ureteric calculus.
Urolithiasis affects 1-5% of population. The incidence is higher in developing countries, including India . It has been hypothesized that the main source of dietary proteins being cereals, unlike
meat in western countries, is an important etiological factor 1 . The northern and northwestern regions of India can be described as an endemic stone-forming belt due to a dietary pattern rich in cereals and pulses. Urolithiasis is a consequence of complex physicochemical processes and the major contributory factors are urinary super saturation, crystallization, calculogenesis and matrix formation. The sequence of events in the formation of any urinary stone can be: Urinary saturation, super saturation, nucleation, crystal growth, crystal aggregation, crystal retention and stone formation . Kidney stones smaller than 4 mm in diameter are most likely to be flushed out
in urine without any medical intervention, except occasional analgesics and antispasmodics that enable the patient to endure the episode, which may last several days. Kidney stones >5 mm in diameter are less likely to be flushed out in urine on their own. If the stone is larger than Urolithiasis is a consequence of complex physicochemical processes and the major contributory factors are urinary super saturation, crystallization, calculogenesis and matrix formation.
Special Thanks to MG Shekar Kumaran, SR Prasad , SK Mitra
Special Thanks to MG Shekar Kumaran, SR Prasad , SK Mitra
Experience with Cystone in Urolithiasis
INTRODUCTION Urolithiasis is a still mysterious disease even after extensive research in this field of urology. It is known since the dawn of history. Various sophisticated investigations, radiological and others have failed to pinpoint the exact cause and mechanism. However, various factors attributable to urolithiasis have been extensively studied in recent times. It is believed that when the urine becomes saturated with insoluble materials, because their excretion rates are excessive and/or because water conservation is extreme, crystals form and may grow and aggregate with one another to form a stone. Stones, which are larger in size and produce obstruction sufficient enough to produce damage, require surgery or endoscopic removal. When the stone is less than 4-6 min. in size and does not produce obstructive changes, it should be treated conservatively. Recurrent stone formation is also a problem in patients having urolithiasis. There is no satisfactory drug to dissolve stones. So I tried Cystone (The Himalaya Drug Co. ) in patients at my private hospital over a period of 3 months and have followed them up for two years.
COMPOSITION Each Cystone tablet contains: Exts: Didymocarpus pedicellata 65 mg Saxifraga ligulata 49 mg Rubia cordifolia 16 mg Cyperus scariosus 16 mg Achyranthes aspera 16 mg Onosma bracteatum 16 mg Vernonia cinerea 16 mg Shilajeet (Purified) 13 mg Hajrul yahood bhasma 16 mg
MATERIAL AND METHODS A total of 8 patients were included in the study. All the cases had stones less than 6 mm in size. Most of them were ureteric stones. In case 6, the urethral stone was removed transurethrally as it was obstructing the penile urethra. Dosage Cystone tablets were administered, 2 tablets three times daily for adults and one tablet three times daily for the solitary child patient. This dose was given till the stone was expelled. Then the dose was reduced to one tablet three times a day for adults and one tablet daily for the child for four months. After one year radiological confirmation was done to look for recurrence, if any. All the patients were followed up for two years. They were symptom-free after two years and without any evidence of recurrence.
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