Tuesday, July 26, 2011

natural treatment for Female Infertility

If a woman is unable to conceive, and it has been determined that there are no congenital deformities that are causing the woman's infertility, then the roots of the banyan tree may prove to be especially beneficial as a female infertility natural treatment.  To properly consume these roots, they should be dried (not in direct sunlight).  Once dried, the roots should be crushed into a fine powder.  This powder should now be mixed with milk and drunk at night.  This should be done for three nights, starting as soon as monthly menstruation is over.  Continue to do this each month until a baby is conceived.  This is a great female infertility home remedy.

If a woman is sterile or has suffered a miscarriage due to an endometrium or ovarian disorder, she will benefit from drinking an infusion of blackberry leaves.  This is an excellent natural female infertility  treatment. To prepare, steep 3/4 ounce of black berry leaves in 8 ounces of water that has been brought to a boil for two hours.  Once fully infused, take along with 6 ounces of buttermilk or two teaspoons of honey.


Winter cherry is a powerful herb for treating female sterility.  To properly ingest, mix six grans of powdered winter cherry with one cup of milk.  Drink at night for six nights after menstruation.


Take 1000 mg of vitamin C, 30 mg of zinc and 100 IU of vitamin E every day.  Taking this combination of vitamins is an especially helpful treatment for female infertility.


Yoga is an effective way to exercise the mind and body.  There are some yogasanas (postures) that are thought to be beneficial as treatment for female infertility.  These asanas are shalabhasana,  paschimottanasana, ardhamatsyendrasana, matsyasana and sarvangasana. Combining these yogasanas with good hygiene and plenty of rest and relaxation will be wonderful for helping female infertility.


There are several ways to increase circulation and relieve inflammation of the genital organs. Poor circulation and inflammation of the genital organs can lead to infertility, so these treatments are especially important for women suffering for sterility or infertility.  One of the most effective ways to accomplish reduced inflammation and increased circulation is to apply a wet girdle pack.  This can be achieved by putting on a pair of thin cotton underwear that have been soaked in cold water and then wrung out.  Wear dry thick cotton underwear or woolen underwear on top of the wet underwear.  Another effective treatment for female infertility is a cold hip bath consisting of water between 50 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit.  Mud packs are also very helpful in treating female infertility.  These should be applied to the genital organs and the abdomen. It is important to note that cold therapy should not be practiced during menstruation.


Barley green is a fantastic natural treatment for female infertility.  This can be consumed by mixing 2 ounces of barley green juice with 8 ounces of water.  Barley juice can probably be found at your local health food store, but if not, you can order online, or use barley grass powder.  Consume this drink thirty minutes before a meal; twice daily.  You can have up to four teaspoons of barley powder a day, so don't be shy of adding it to water, yogurt, smoothies, juice, rice or other foods.  It has been said that barley not only works wonders for treating female infertility, but it also increases the quality and production of sperm.  This is one of the most effective home remedies for female infertility.

natural treatment for constipation

Home Remedies for constipation

Fruits with fibers

Fibers play a very important role in your bowel regulation. Besides high fiber vegetables, high fiber fruit can be very useful not only in regulating but also as a constipation treatment

You can eat them normal as a whole two hours before or two hours after a meal or drink the fresh juice

Home Remedies for constipation using

Apples & apple juice

apple or apple juice

An apple a day...yes and also in this case it proves to be true. Apples are high in fiber and full of vitamins, a must in any healthy diet. Besides this apple and apple juice are well known and widely used as a constipation treatment...Eat at least one apple a day in the morning...and keep the doctor away

When your child is constipated just let it drink apple juice at least a few times during the day, this should set the system in motion again

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Home Remedies for constipation using


Pears and fresh pear juice have about the same effect as apples. You can take it in exactly the same way

Home Remedies for constipation using


white grapes

Grapes and grape juice are also a very powerful and proven constipation treatment. They contain cellulose, sugar, and organic acid which make them a natural laxative. They are able to relieve the most chronic constipation. Take at least 12.5 ounces (350gr) of grapes a day until you have your wanted result

You can also soak raisins (which are dried grapes) in water for 24 to 48 hours until they are "full" again. Eat them in the morning on an empty stomach and drink the water in which they were soaked

Especially for little children you can soak 6 to 8 raisins in hot water. Let it cool down and then crush the raisins and strain the fluid. This will be a very helpful in solving and preventing constipation in young children

The last method is to put 10-12 dry seedless grapes in milk. Boil this and drink it, eat the grapes separately. This is a home remedy for constipation which should be taken in the evening

Home Remedies for constipation using


prunes and prune juice against constipation

Prunes also contain a lot of fibers and other natural chemicals that have a laxative effect. You can eat them raw or dried

A very powerful mix is before you eat breakfast in the morning drink two to three cups of prune juice. Then wait half an hour and drink one cup of apple juice. One hour later drink a second cup of apple juice. Make sure you're near a toilet...that's all we need to say

Home Remedies for constipation using


figs against constipation

Figs are one of the highest fruit sources of calcium (even more than cow's milk!) and fiber. This makes them a natural laxative. They help digestion by cleansing and soothing your intestines

there are several ways to use figs as a constipation treatment

You can eat them fresh or dried (dried they are about 50% sugar). When you eat them fresh eat them with their skin where most of the fiber and calcium are

for children: newton figs against constipation

For children fig newtons or fig rolls will be easier to take and they have the same effect. Let them drink apple juice with this and it will work like magic

Another very effective constipation treatment is to boil eight figs in water and drink the water before going to bed. After three or four nights your problem will be solved

A variation on the same is to soak about five dried figs in water during the night and eat them in the morning on an empty stomach. Drink the water they were soaked in